Jaqueline Fleming and a group of smiling people

Verona Public Schools

Strategic network transformation delivers improved performance and reliability while reducing costs.

  • 국가: 미국
  • 산업: 교육
  • 해결책: Autonomous Network, 서비스로 네트워킹, WiFi Solutions

Verona School District, located in New Jersey, serves more than 2300 students, and 350 staff and faculty across six campuses. The district is focused on empowering students to achieve their potential as active learners and productive citizens through rigorous curricula and personalised experiences.

The district’s strategic IT investments moved away from Cisco at its four elementary schools, one middle school and one high school to support their mission.

Though Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise was new to us, I knew even the U.S. government uses Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise, and that was something — and it turned out to be a good choice.
Eltion Ballaj, Chief Technology Officer, Verona Public Schools

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