ASST Lodi Customer image

Azienda Socio Sanitaria Territoriale di Lodi

A secure, high-performance network and communications platform provides the right solution for healthcare innovation.

  • País: Itália
  • Setor: Saúde
  • Soluções: Continuidade de negóciosy, Comunicações na nuvem, Collaboration Solutions, Digital Age Communications, Digital Age Networking, Shortest Path Bridging, Comunicações unificadas

The Azienda Socio Sanitaria Territoriale di Lodi (ASST Lodi) staff of 2,000+ works together across four hospitals and multiple health centres to provide more than 1,000 services daily to a community of 200,000 in Italy’s Lombardy region.

ASST Lodi Customer Logo
Our primary goal was to increase the efficiency of our geographical network and prevent past issues, such as the disruption of a connection route, from completely
isolating hospitals.
Flavio Cassinari, Chief Information Officer -Azienda Socio Sanitaria Territoriale di Lodi




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